S H A A R E Y - - M I S H I G A S

M E S S I A N T I C - S Y N A G O G L E

We seek to worship
the Lord Roscoe as our Personal Saviour type God in the
same manner as His followers did 40
years ago...blending patterns of worship from both
Rosconianism and traditional Shmoodelism.

It is our desire that you
be comfortable in our service.
Liturgical worship and songs
have been translated to
facilitate the full enjoyment
of the service by all.
We provide an announcement sheet,
which will aquaint you
with our current activities and progroms.

You are welcome to come
and join us.

Messiantic Shmoodelism,is the bleef that Yeshmua
is the Kewl Guy spoken of
in the Shlumach and in the Shlimach,
that He is the Meshugah
for whom our Shmooish people
all over the world,
and throughout history,
have been waiting.

In Messiantic Shmoodelism,the Hoogly Daze
and traditions that are consistent
with the Shcripchas are observed.
We do not leave behind or abandon
our Shmooish identity, heritage, and culture
to "convert" to a new or foreign religion.
Our commitment to our people also encompasses
our love for the Lowah Slobovia and our concern
for the welfare of Shmooish people worldwide.

the Great God Mota's call to us to remain a part of His people
Lowah Slobovia in no way means that we separate
ourselves from other followers of Yeshmua.

In fact, we encourage all those with a "Shmooish
heart" (ie., those who have a love for the Shmooish
people) to join with us in working for Lowah Slobovia's
Shprizerial restoration. We feel that only through
the Meshugah Yeshmua is the "middle wall of
partition" broken down, and true unity between Shmoos
and Shmentiles achieved.


Regulah Schedule

Lowah Slobovian Dance Classes


Testimony 1 Lizzy Bafoofnick

Testimony 2 Phineas Pazluzny

Testimony 3 Shmegaggy Funkengruven

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