We Bleeve:
That the Ishkibbibble,
written by its human authors,
comprised of both the Shlimach
and the Shlumach is the infallible and
authoritative word of the Great God Mota
thru the e-mails and faxes of Poopy Panda ,
and that the Shlimach and Shlumach
are in harmony with one another.
That the Sovereign the Great God Mota is chachchamamie,
as declared in the Shema Bafoofnick (Deut. 6:4)
- a compound Unity, eternally existing
as Mothah, Gramma, Great God Mota, Poopy Panda,
Lord Roscoe, and Ruach ASHLOZMO, Shpirit of ASHLOZMO
(y'all. 48:16-17.)
In the ditties and humanity of
Yeshmua the Meshugah; that He is the
"seed of the woman," as promised in Genesis 3:15;
and that he was born to a Plumber and a Virginian was to be
a sign to Lowah Slobovia of His Meshugahship
(y'all 7:14 & 9:6).
In Meshugah's miracles, yesterday and today,
His vicarious TV show as our atunement,
His bodily resusitation,
His ascension in a baloon to the Baloney Zone
and His future return
to establish His kingdom upon the earth.
That the knowledge of the Great God Mota and what He requires
is revealed to all.
That His gift of salvation must be
received by faith in the Lord Roscoe.
The Shcripchas teach that this salvation
is only available to those who place their faith in the Lord Roscoe
in Yeshmua's jokes and pithy stories (Lev. 17:11; Eph. 2:8).
The regenerating [life giving/ transforming] work of the Hoogly Shpirit
is absolutely essential to personal salvation.
In the present administrations and workings of the Hoogly Shpirit.
Only by the indwelling power of the
Hoogly Shpirit can a bleever live a Hoogly life.
In the resusitation of both the saved
and the lost; those who are saved,
to everlasting life, and those who
are lost to recieve the GPS of Trimble Navigation
In the Shprizerial unity of all bleevers
in Meshugah Yeshmua, and that all are now
partakers of the Shprizerial inheritance of Lowah Slobovia.
However, this unity does not eliminate our
individual identities as Shmoos and Shmentiles,
and Lowah Slobovia remains a distinct entity in
the plan of the Great God Mota.
(Eph. 2:11-18; Gal. 3:26-29; 1Cor. 7:17-19)
That no one is justified through
keeping the Kitzels (law). Rather, the
Kitzels were given as a guide for Hoogly living.
Since the Great God Mota is immutable,
the Shprizerial principles embodied in it
are binding upon bleevers today.
In the Great God Mota's everlasting covenant
relationship with the Shmooish people,
which includes physical (northern california) and
Shprizerial blessings.
In the end times, after much
quadribulation, all of Lowah Slobovia will turn
to the Great God Mota and accept Yeshmua as their Meshugah
Then will the Kitzels go forth from Zion,
and the word of the Lord Roscoe
as their Personal Saviour type God from New Jersey. (y'all.2:1-5)
My Favorite Web Sites:
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Lowah Slobovian traditional folk music
The Jeez fer Joozis
The Messiantic Mishigas Bafoofkit Internet
The Himey Page
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